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Result of AGM
RNS - London Stock Exchange | 05/06/2013
London & Associated Properties PLC (LAP)

LAP is pleased to announce that at the Company's 73rd Annual General Meeting
held on 4 June 2013 at The Royal Automobile Club, 89 Pall Mall, London SW1Y 5HS
all ordinary and special resolutions concerning ordinary business were duly

Proxy votes were as follows:


Resolution 1

To receive and adopt the Company's annual report & accounts for the year ended
31 December 2012 together with the directors' report and the auditors' report
on those accounts.

                      Votes                Votes

Those in favour: 49,928,517   Discretion 114,016

Those against         6,478   Withheld     4,489

Resolution 2

To approve the remuneration report for the year ended 31 December 2012.

                      Votes                Votes

Those in favour: 49,632,446   Discretion 114,941

Those against       306,059   Withheld        54

Resolution 3

To re-elect as a director Sir Michael Heller.

                      Votes                Votes

Those in favour: 49,915,922   Discretion 116,097

Those against        17,479   Withheld     4,002

Resolution 4

To re-elect as a director Mr H D Goldring.

                      Votes                Votes

Those in favour: 49,624,010   Discretion 117,240

Those against        21,454   Withheld   290,796

Resolution 5

To reappoint Baker Tilly UK Audit LLP as auditor, to hold office from the
conclusion of this meeting until the conclusion of the next Annual General

                      Votes                Votes

Those in favour: 49,929,578   Discretion 116,097

Those against         2,081   Withheld     5,744

Resolution 6

To authorise the directors to determine the remuneration of the auditor.

                      Votes                Votes

Those in favour: 49,927,956   Discretion 116,097

Those against         3,856   Withheld     5,591

Resolution 7

To authorise the directors to allot relevant securities.

                      Votes                Votes

Those in favour: 49,633,817   Discretion 119,061

Those against       300,622   Withheld         0


Resolution 8

To empower the directors to disapply statutory pre-emption rights.

                      Votes                Votes

Those in favour: 49,583,555   Discretion 120,949

Those against       339,206   Withheld     9,790

Resolution 9

To authorise the company to make market purchases of its own shares.

                      Votes                Votes
Those in favour: 49,575,489   Discretion 119,061

Those against       357,702   Withheld     1,248

Resolution 10

To authorise the calling of general meetings of the Company on 14 clear days'

                      Votes                Votes

Those in favour: 49,570,495   Discretion 116,097

Those against        78,494   Withheld   288,414

Copies of the Special Resolutions referred to above have been sent to the

National Storage Mechanism and will shortly be available for viewing at

For further information, please contact:

Heather Curtis


London & Associated Properties PLC

Tel: 020 7415 5000

5 June 2013